to Knoxville Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine are traditional forms of medicine practiced throughout the world since ancient times.  It's a traditional approach to health care that is now a way of life rather than an alternative. Knoxville Acupuncture and its dedicated staff are dedicated to helping you with your ailments and diseases.

​We Offer:

Chris Hagler MSOM, L.Ac.

My aim is to encourage your body in its natural attempts to return to a state of balance, harmony, health and freedom from pain. This is achieved through the diagnosis and treatment of the sources of your discomfort or illness in addition to relieving your pain.

Frequently Asked Questions about Acupuncture

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years. It involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body to balance the flow of energy or Qi (pronounced "chee"). This process is believed to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.

How does acupuncture work?

According to traditional Chinese medical theory, acupuncture works by normalizing the flow of Qi through channels known as meridians. Western science suggests that acupuncture may work by stimulating the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain, which may change the experience of pain or trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones that influence the body's internal regulating system.

Is acupuncture safe?

Yes, when performed by a licensed and trained practitioner, acupuncture is considered safe. The risks of acupuncture are low if you have a competent, certified acupuncture practitioner using sterile needles. Improperly performed acupuncture can cause serious side effects.

Does acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture needles are very thin, and most people feel minimal pain as the needles are inserted. Some people feel a slight pinch, and others may feel a mild sensation of tingling, numbness, ache, or warmth. Once the needles are in place, there should be no significant discomfort.

What conditions can be treated with acupuncture?

Acupuncture is used to treat a wide range of health conditions, including:

  • Chronic pain, such as arthritis or back pain
  • Headaches, including tension headaches and migraines
  • Neck pain
  • Knee pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Allergies
  • Digestive disorders
  • Mood, depression
  • Insomnia

How many acupuncture treatments will I need?

The number of treatments needed differs from person to person. For complex or long-standing conditions, one or two treatments a week for several months may be recommended. For acute problems, fewer visits are required. For health maintenance, four sessions a year may be all that is necessary.

What should I expect during my first acupuncture visit?

During your first visit, the acupuncturist will ask about your health history. Then, they will examine you, which may include looking at your tongue, checking your pulse, and palpating various areas of your body. This is done to discover imbalances in the body. Based on these findings, they will insert one or more thin, sterile needles, and you will likely lie comfortably for 15–30 minutes with the needles in place.

Are there any side effects to acupuncture?

Side effects are rare but may include soreness, minor bleeding or bruising at needle sites. If you have a bleeding disorder or are taking blood thinners, you should tell your acupuncturist before receiving treatment.

Can acupuncture be combined with other medical treatments?

Yes, acupuncture can be an effective complement to other medical treatments; however, it is important to discuss all of your treatments with your healthcare providers to ensure coordinated and safe care.

How should I prepare for an acupuncture session?

To prepare for an acupuncture session, wear loose, comfortable clothing for easy access to acupuncture points. Avoid eating large meals just before or after your visit and drink plenty of water.

What can I expect from my visit?

Initially, I’ll spend around 20 minutes on intake, during which I’ll check your pulse and blood pressure, examine your tongue, and ask a few preliminary questions. After that, placing the needles will take about 10 minutes. You’ll then rest quietly with the needles for approximately 15-30 minutes. Removing the needles will take just a couple of minutes. Finally, we’ll review your formula (if applicable) and discuss any recommended lifestyle changes.

What if my blood pressure is too high?

If your blood pressure exceeds safe levels, I cannot treat you. We must reschedule for a later date.

What if I'm needle-sensitive? Can you still help me?

Yes, there are many techniques that I can use to make your treatment as comfortable as possible. There are many needle-phobic individuals who have experienced great success with acupuncture when certain methods are utilized to minimize their discomfort.

Will my insurance cover my treatment?

While you may be able to use your HSA funds for your acupuncture treatment (check with your HSA provider), we do not contact your insurer on your behalf to file a claim.

How soon can I expect for my condition or symptoms to improve after my treatment?

Each individual and case is quite different. During our initial meeting, we'll discuss a plan of action, and I'll recommend certain steps for you once you leave my office. From there, we can decide on frequency of follow-up visits if necessary. For some, one visit is sufficient. For more complex cases, however, it could take many visits.

Do you offer any benefits for referring someone to your clinic?

Yes! A discount will be applied to your next visit in exchange for letting others know about our practice.

Does it hurt?

The acupuncture needles are typically not much thicker than a human hair. They are not like the needles used to draw blood or give shots. In some instances, you won’t feel it at all. Other times, there may be a tingling, warmth, heaviness, or a pressure. At worst, it might feel like a mosquito bite. Most people find acupuncture very relaxing and actually fall asleep during treatments.

Does it work?

Acupuncture has a long history of effectiveness throughout Chinese history. Plus, since its arrival in the United States, millions of Americans have used acupuncture and herbal medicine to treat myriad conditions and ailments. Come try it out for yourself, and see if you can discover the benefits that it has to offer.

Is it safe?

When performed by a competently trained, licensed professional, acupuncture is extremely safe. The needles are prepackaged, disposable and sterile. They are used one time and then put into a medical hazardous waste container.

Safety usually concerns the sterility of the needles. Most Practitioners today use only pre-sterilized, disposable needles. Nationally Board Certified practitioners comply with strict rules for needle sterilization. Acupuncture and medicinal herbs are safe medical procedures and are well known for their efficacy and lack of side effects when administered by a qualified practitioner.

What is a treatment like?

Acupuncture, the gentle insertion of very small sterile, disposable, needles stimulates specific points along the meridians. As the flow of energy is released, the natural balance of Qi is restored, and the body is allowed to heal and recover. When the needles are inserted, you may experience a sensation of tingling or warmth. People usually find the treatments to be relaxing.

How long do treatments last?

The initial visit can take approximately 60-90 minutes due the extensive history and questions required to assess the problems. The follow up treatments usually take about an hour.

How many treatments will I need?

It depends upon the nature, duration, and severity of your complaint. Treatment protocol and duration are as individual as each of you. Treatments are scheduled according to the nature of your conditions and as improvement takes place, fewer visits are needed. You may need only several for an acute condition, while five to twelve treatments will usually resolve more chronic problems. Some very long-term and degenerative conditions may require several additional treatments over a period of time. The length and frequency of treatment will vary for each individual and will be determined by your Acupuncturist or Doctor of Oriental Medicine.

How deep do the needles go?

That depends upon the nature of the problem, the location of the points selected, the patient's size, age, and constitution.

Why Herbal Medicine?

Herbal Medicine uses plants to treat health care concerns. An herbal prescription consists of one to many herbs taken as tea, tablet, or tinctures and has many synergistic benefits when combined with acupuncture.

How do I find an acupuncturist?

Prospective patients should ask about the training and experience of the practitioner. Acupuncture is a licensed and regulated health care profession in over 40 states in the U.S. In Pennsylvania, the Board of Medicine regulates acupuncturists. Nationally, the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) certifies both acupuncturists and Chinese herbal practitioners. Acupuncturists who have passed the NCCAOM exam are entitled to add Dipl. Ac. (Diplomate of Acupuncture) after their name. Visit NCCAOM website to learn more https://directory.nccaom.org/

Are you certified?

I am Board Certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and am licensed to practice acupuncture in the state of Tennessee(L.Ac.).


We value the time we get to spend with you. Come expecting a detailed intake process with questions you have likely never been asked in your primary care physician's office. This enables us to better treat you! Our holistic approach views the body as an integrated system; we treat the whole rather than its parts. Your first appointment will thus be longer than a standard treatment time frame to allow for this interview to take place.

$110 for 60-90 minutes

$75 for 45-60 minutes

​*Price of individual herbal formulas will vary.